Glamour & Faux Fur 



 Christmas time and New Year is almost here, and along with that, so is the fabulous Faux Fur season! Yay! We waited the whole year to be able to wear our most glamorous pieces and when it’s finally here, we don’t want to get it wrong.   

So, why Faux Fur? Well, first of all, I’d like to clarify that I do not support animal cruelty, and that I would not wear real fur because personally, I think it’s disgraceful and sickening. Fortunately, thanks to our brilliant technology, we are able to imitate the fur of animals using synthetic materials. These are our faux fur. 


Lush and classic, it was often associated with those of higher social classes back in the late nineteenth century. Now it’s an accessible and timeless piece that should belong to any woman who is both daring and feminine.

This piece is also very versatile, because it can be worn with both casual highwaist jeans, a sexy mini skirt or a dress… However, when using faux fur, or is important to balance the other items you are wearing. A good way to do so is to compare the pieces to the coat – ask yourself, “is this item less eccentric than the faux coat?” and if the answer is yes, then you are safe


Above is one of my favourite faux fur coats. It’s a vintage piece by Roberto Celli that belonged to my mother.

What are your favourite festive season looks? I’d love to hear from you! You can find me on Instagram at diningwithchanel.

Amanda (11:20) XO.